
social harvesting

soil.d is an open online sharing platform to grow, share and take care of your crops, locally, remotely and collectively.

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discover the hidden potential of a plants sharing platform

soil.d sensor

soil.d sensors allow real time agricultural data. From all over the world, connected crops, sensor embedded plants and smart farms allow you to access to global information and maps displaying conditions in real time about each of the leafs and fruits connected to soil.d.

soil.d cv

soil.d cv is computer vision and machine learning. Algorithms and the internet make it possible to remotely survey your crops while they are being produced. This allows to share a variety of visual information in order to spread knowledge and improve intelligent agricultural processes.

greens and plants exchange

from local to regional, and low scale to middle scale, soil.d supports the crops producer and the consumer to establish direct contact, exchange and deploy their products.

open source

soil.d foundation is open source community. we promote and share with our community information to the existing hardware and software enterprises concerned with indoor, urban and automated agriculture. From plant sensors to smart pots all our products are also produceable at home labs.


producing and sharing plants and their derivatives is also fun. Whether you share or acquire crops, or only want to play with real time harvesting data, soil.d is meant to make plant harvesting as meaningful as playful


soil.d is scalable. Bridges the advantages of the internet and the digital technologies, with the on growing need to reduce high environmental costs of crops production and complex distribution systems.

social harvesting

a connected plants and greens sharing network addresses the need to benefit in both directions from local and regional production, to delivery, distribution and consume, in order to impulse low scale and regional consume chains.

plant production is slowly drifting towards localised production chains such as indoor agriculture, urban farming facilities, intelligent automated harvesting and low energy growth.

soil.d wants to support this drift by providing the already existing community such as local farms, urban gardeners, urban farmers, smart farms, robotic farms, and the upcoming, with the possibility of connecting and sharing products and information about their agricultural processes.

this is only possible by providing an infrastructure of information which allows the clock-work functioning of distributed and complex logistics of production, delivery and consume.


in soil.d we believe that the future is open access. open data, open software, open hardware. Thus an open agriculture is the core of a collective and a sustainable future, where shared information is the foundation of it.

therefore is vital that information stays open and accessible for all. Specially regarding to our most basic need, agriculture.

greens sharing?
start harvesting with soil.d

if you are interested in collaborating with us, joining us or just supporting the cause, register to get more information on how to support our movement. We believe that this is the future of agriculture, in which a sustainable environment, community and global society can coexist.

Contact us!

soil.d crew

Andres Villa Torres

Industrial & Interaction Designer / Media Artist

Founder, Developer and Director, Based in Zürich

contact us!

soil.d is at Atelier Gerold

Geroldstrasse 31b

8005 Zürich, Schweiz